The ultimate private space


There are many lakeside lodges, but I don't think any are built so close to the water's edge.
You can see fish bobbing on the surface of the water and a flock of whooper swans flying just above the surface of the lake.
The inn is a one-story building with a large bathtub and two bedrooms that seem to be connected to the lake.
When you open the curtains in the morning and see nature again, this is the kind of inn that gives you goosebumps. That is RERA.

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※All prices include taxes.

For Adults

Price per person[dinner & breakfast included]

Number of persons 2~4 persons
Weekdays & Holidays[Sunday to Friday and public holidays] 100,000 JPY
Prior to holidays[Saturdays and days before public holidays] 110,000 JPY

※Special rates are available during Golden Week, Obon, and year-end and New Year's holidays.

For Children

Price per person[dinner & breakfast included]

Children's age Age 4 to 12 Age 3 or below
Weekdays & Holidays[Sunday to Friday and public holidays] 28,000 JPY 7,000 JPY
Prior to holidays[Saturdays and days before public holidays] 30,000 JPY 8,000 JPY

※Free for children under 3 years old who do not require futons or meals.※Adult rates are for junior high school students and above.

Room capacity

[western-style room]
Four people maximum( Simmons four semi-double beds )

RERA is a private hotel

The guest rooms [Western-style room] for a maximum of 4 adults.
It is used by various groups such as family members, relatives, friends, company employee trips, etc.
How it is used is up to the guests.
Please spend a relaxing time with like-minded people in the luxurious space of a private hotel.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation charges are as listed below.

Three weeks notice Two weeks notice One week notice On the previous day On the reserved date Without contactcancel
Pay 50% of room charge Pay 60% of room charge Pay 70% of room charge Pay 80% of room charge Pay 100% of room charge Pay 100% of room charge
Three weeks notice Pay 50% of room charge
Two weeks notice Pay 60% of room charge
One week notice Pay 70% of room charge
On the previous day Pay 80% of room charge
On the reserved date Pay 100% of room charge
Without contact Pay 100% of room charge

Recommended Offers

To make your stay more comfortable and enjoyable, here are a number of offers.

Click here for option details

※All prices include taxes.

Optional plan


For two persons [ 12cm ] For four persons [ 15cm ]


Private boat:SASUKE

A three passenger SASUKE, complete with recessed rod holders and a fish tank, is included as a dedicated boat. The boat is available any time of the year when the lake is not frozen. Side floaters are also provided for your safety. *There are some rules such as wearing life jackets and not sailing on windy days.