Unobstructed lodging with nothing - between you and the lake
The inn stands on the shore of a lake, which is covered with splashing waves on windy days. The name "RERA" (meaning "wind" in Ainu) comes from the fact that nothing obstructs the inn and strong winds blow against it.
The view from the bedroom windows and from the windows of the indoor baths could not be more beautiful. A boat dedicated to RERA can be taken directly to the lake from right next to the inn, and fishing and other activities can be enjoyed
at any time of the year when the lake is not frozen over.
Meals are served in the Ipe (living and dining room) located a short distance away.
The ultimate private space
There are many lakeside lodges, but I don't think any are built so close to the water's edge.
You can see fish bobbing on the surface of the water and a flock of whooper swans flying just above the surface of the lake.
The inn is a one-story building with a large bathtub and two bedrooms that seem to be connected to the lake.
When you open the curtains in the morning and see nature again, this is the kind of inn that gives you goosebumps. That is RERA.
Accommodation and living/dining buildingExclusive use of two facilities and a private boat
The inn consists of two facilities: a one-story lodging building built on the edge of the lake and a separate living/dining building.
Guests can enjoy an extraordinary world where they can sip whiskey slowly while lighting a fire in the fireplace.
When all the lights are dimmed, you can see the starry sky falling over the lake from both the bedroom and the bathroom.
Next to the accommodation building, RERA's private boat is always available for your use.

The power of hot springs createdby magnificent sceneryand nature
About hot springs
Nothing is added, nothing is subtracted, and the spring water gushes out directly into the bathtub.
As the name "Akayu" suggests, it is a sodium bicarbonate/sulfate hot spring with a slight reddish hue.
The miraculous temperature of 44.4 degrees Celsius allows you to pour the hot spring water directly into the bathtub, so you can enjoy the power and freshness of the hot spring as it is.
Relax in RERA's hot spring while watching whooper swans swim gracefully in front of your eyes.
The best ingredients we can serve that day
Meals will be Japanese cuisine prepared with fresh ingredients from eastern Hokkaido and served at the IPE (which means "meal" in the Ainu language) built a short distance away from the restaurant.
Please follow the extraordinary lakeside path while imagining what kind of food you will be served.
The private living/dining room is also available for guests to relax in when not dining at IPE.
We can also arrange a car transfer from your room to IPE for those who wish to dine with us.
We can provide transportation from your room to IPE by car if you wish.